The Kick actor made an appearance at the Mumbai court today regarding his hit and run trial. Salman Khan was allegedly seen by the two witnesses getting out of his car after the accident.
Here's a shocking news for you! What is it? Hold your horses boys! In a twist in the Wanted actor's hit-and-run case, a witness in the Sessions Court on Tuesday reneged on his earlier statement made before the police. What are you saying?
Yes, Sachin Kadam, a security guard with Hotel Neelsagar restaurant, informed Sessions Judge D.W. Deshpande that his earlier statement recorded by the police was wrong.
In a shocking turn of events the witness who earlier claimed to have seen Salman Khan step out of his car and run away from the scene of crime now says that his statement was incorrect.
Could it be that the witness is threatened? Or is he intimidated by Salman's influential position? Who can tell? Can you? Drop your thoughts on this topic in the comments below!
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